#08 Everything Happens for a Reason

TOSIG TALKS Season 1 Episode 8

Sometimes, SH#T happens...

But it is always your reaction to the situation that matters.

This week Darragh and Ciaran spoke about how Everything Happens for a Reason, and how you learn from each and every experience you have throughout your life.

There will be lows and there will be highs but if you learn to adopt this mindset throughout your life, things will get better.

Apologies for the poor audio, thats what happens with new podcasts.

P.S. Bear with us as our upload schedule changes over the next few week, its also what heppens when youre recording from two different countries. 

We hope you enjoy the episode!

If you would like to us to talk about a specific topic, don't be afraid to shoot us a DM!


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